About me
I'm passionate about making technology accessible and easy to understand. As a web developer and solution architect, I focus on simplifying problems, finding creative solutions, and helping others benefit from technology without getting lost in the details.
My approach is pragmatic and flexible — it's not about the tools themselves, but how we use them to solve real problems. With a blend of empathy, clear communication, and a drive to innovate, I aim to bridge the gap between technology and the people it serves.

The fast-paced evolution of the digital world can feel overwhelming, but as a tech enthusiast and early adopter, I stay ahead by continuously exploring the shiny new tech. I dive into new technologies, understanding their potential while being honest about their limitations over existing solutions, to offer recommendations that truly meet individual needs.
I believe in sharing knowledge openly, empowering both individuals and businesses to achieve their goals, by gaining access to technology. That's why I internalized the saying that you only really understand a topic once you are able to teach it yourself.
Teaching has played a central role in my journey, whether guiding design-focused peers during my bachelor’s degree, mentoring new hires at Byway, or leading workshops and lectures. It’s through these experiences that I’ve deepened my understanding and sharpened my ability to communicate complex ideas.

I don't mind going all out to to meet tight deadlines or finding a way to make the seemingly impossible happen. But once a year — usually in August — I make it a point to take time off and fully recharge.
During that time, you’ll find me exploring new cultures, sampling local cuisines, and adventuring off the beaten path with Iris, my fiancée.
Whether it’s off-roading through deserts, climbing mountains, trekking through jungles, or hopping between islands, we take our time to fully immerse ourselves in the culture of the places we visit.
If I ever do find the time to go through the thousands of images from my DSLR again, I might post them on Instagram one day. But for now, I'm happy capturing moments for my own enjoyment alone.